
                      Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeye's fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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                      • “I’m aspirin’ to be a chemist” (8/2)
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                      • “I’m aspirin’ to be a pharmacist” (8/2)
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                      The Big Apple. An etymological dictionary (over 24,000 entries) investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases, specializing in modern slang, neologisms, nicknames, acronyms, slogans, mottoes, proverbs, adages, idioms. aphorisms, blessings, toasts, riddles, puns, jokes and memes. There are regional dictionaries of New York City, Florida, Oregon and Texas. Established 2004. A website by Barry Popik (etymologist 又有惊喜!iOS13的五个隐藏功能让你飞起来_科技_北方头条 ...:2021-7-16 · 原标题:又有惊喜!iOS13的五个隐藏功能让你飞起来正文共:703字3图6月伇的iOS13和iPadOS13为我伊带来了诸如“黑暗模式”和改进的多任务处理等重要功能成,而现在,外网又为我伊带来了iOS13中5个隐藏的功能,每个都让你惊喜到飞起来。一起来看看都有哪些功能).

                      2023 EXTRA: 600+ Coronavirus (COVID-19) quotes, jokes, riddles, puns, pickup lines, memes, portmanteaus, acronyms, anagrams and terms.


                      Above, the header from the 1924 newspaper column of John J. Fitz Gerald. Click to see a portion of the column which includes his use of "Big Apple." Part of a 1926 column is also available.

                      Above, a cartoon representing the idea of the "big apple" from October 11, 1926. Click to see the full version.
